In a thrilling and fast-paced match, Sweden clinched a 2-0 victory over Canada at the World Junior Championship, marking their first win against the...
Finland bounced back from their initial setbacks at the World Junior Championship, defeating Latvia 4-0 at the Scandinavium, marking Latvia's 50th game in U20...
Slovakia's hockey team demonstrated their offensive prowess with an 8-4 win over Norway on Friday, marking their first-ever start with three consecutive victories in...
Sweden secured a commanding 5-0 victory against Germany at the Scandinavium, marking their second win in the IIHF World Junior Championship, thanks to a...
The United States showcased their formidable strength in the 2024 IIHF World Junior Championship, overpowering Switzerland with a resounding 11-3 victory on Thursday at...
Canada continued its powerful performance at the 2024 IIHF World Junior Championship, securing a resounding 10-0 victory over Latvia on Wednesday. Forward Macklin Celebrini,...